For the first time, Eurosport is embarking on an ambitious project in Romania, featuring a daily live show throughout the entire duration of the Olympic Games. This show, titled “Bonjour, Paris!”, is produced in partnership with BLITZ LIVE. “Bonjour, Paris!” is broadcast live across five countries in the region: Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia.
The inaugural edition of this exciting program aired on July 24 and will continue to captivate audiences daily until August 11. Viewers can tune in to Eurosport 2 to catch the show hosted by the charismatic Cosmin Cernat.
The show features commentary and expert analysis from renowned athletes and Olympic medalists, providing viewers with a comprehensive understanding of the events and performances that define the Games.
As the Olympic Games unfold, “Bonjour, Paris!” will serve as a vital source of news and analysis, celebrating the spirit of competition and the achievements of athletes from around the world.